• Question: hallo how is cloning,iuf done?

    Asked by 762bm1928 to Peter, Jonathan, Grace, Doris, David, Ann on 29 May 2019.
    • Photo: Grace Kago

      Grace Kago answered on 29 May 2019:

      Question 1: Cloning is the process of making genetically identical organisms artificially. There are a a few different sorts of cloning: For example, (1) gene cloning, which is a technique used by many molecular biologists to copies of genes or segments of DNA (2) reproductive cloning, which makes copies of whole animals and lastly, (3) therapeutic cloning, which makes embryonic stem cells that can in turn make new tissues that replace injured or diseased tissues. I’ll briefly describe how each of these work!
      Gene cloning, (which is what many molecular biologists use when we’re in the lab) requires us to pick a gene we want to study, which we then put into a genetic carrier called a “vector”. Next, we put this into bacteria or yeast, which will multiply, resulting in our gene being copied over and over. Reproductive cloning is where a researcher will remove a nucleus from a somatic (non-reproductive) cell and put it into an egg that has had its own nucleus removed. Then the researcher puts this egg into the uterus of a surrogate host. Once the egg develops, it will have identical DNA to the initial donor of the somatic cell! This might (i have to double check) have been how Dolly the sheep was cloned? Lastly, therapeutic cloning is when you make stem cells that can be made into specific cells to fix diseased tissue…for example, imagine if someone has a heart attack and some of their heart tissue has been damaged.. wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to implant new cells that will repair the injured heart??
      The researchers who discovered the basic mechanisms that even make this technology feasible won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2012!

      Question 2: Hmm.. I’m not sure of IUF, but there is IUI or IVF, and they’re a bit different. Both of them are forms of assisted reproductive technology that helps parents to have children. IVF stands for “In-Vitro Fertilization”. The “In-Vitro” part means “taking place in a test tube”, so this is to say “Fertilization that takes place in a test-tube”. The doctor basically takes eggs from the mother, sperm from the father, mixes them up, and then uses a combination of medication and surgical techniques to implant it into the mother’s uterus. IUI is another method, and this one is called “Intra-Uterine Insemination” where the doctor puts the sperm directly into the uterus when the mother is ovulating, and in this way, can increase the chances of fertilization.
