Question: how can one get long hair
Grace Kago answered on 7 Jun 2019:
hmm… I’m assuming you’re asking about how to grow long hair? if not, then a quick way to get long hair is to add extensions or buy a wig, or install a weave!
If you’re asking about how to grow long hair, hmmm.. hair grows at different rates, and is often determined by genes, so it is difficult to specifically say how one can get long hair
I’d say that one’s focus ought to be on making sure one has healthy hair.. ie washing it, making sure that it is clean, conditioned properly and detangled, not braided too tightly etc..
If these basic hygiene tips are adhered to, then it will be healthy and taken care of, which is something that we have control over vs. length which we have less control over 🙂
Peter Macharia answered on 7 Jun 2019:
Maybe also eating healthy food that is associated with the growth of healthy hair
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