• Question: how does epilepsy occur epilepsy and whats the treatment

    Asked by 762bm1928 to Peter, David, Grace on 28 May 2019.
    • Photo: Grace Kago

      Grace Kago answered on 28 May 2019:


      According to a presentation from the American Epilepsy Society, Epilepsy is “a tendency toward recurrent seizures unprovoked by any systemic or acute neurologic insults”. A definition of the word seizure is “a clinical manifestation of an abnormal and excessive synchronization of a population of cortical neurons”. So, to answer your question, at the molecular level, epilepsy occurs when someone has many repeated disruptions of the rhythmic pattern of signals that neurons use to transmit information to each other. Our brains are wonderfully complex and busy: in fact, the approximately 100 billion neurons that make up your brain are firing off 5-50 messages per second. So, you can imagine that when there is a disruption in their communication, there can be lots of issues.

      As for the treatment, one has to first go to a neurorologist, which is the type of doctor that specializes in the brain and nervous system. This doctor will likely do a series of tests which include electroencephalogram, or EEG which measures the electrical activity in the persons brain. If they determine that the individual has epilepsy, depending on the specific individual, they can prescribe medication, or transplant devices that might help to normalize signals in the brain.There are also some doctors who prescribe a change in diet, and others yet, who might perform surgery. All these solutions are determined by the doctor, as each patient is different.

    • Photo: Peter Macharia

      Peter Macharia answered on 28 May 2019:

      When there is a sudden surge in the electrical activity of a brain, there is a breakdown in the communication that happens between messaging cells and brain cells in your body you get something called seizures, an example is convulsions, short spells of a blackout, or confused memory, suddenly falls for no clear reason etc. Then one can be described to epileptic

      The causes of the breakdown in communication in the brain could be caused by inheritance (genetic factors), car crash(head trauma), stroke etc.

      Not all types of epilepsy can be cured. common ways to tackle is surgery to stop the specific thing, causing it or anti-epileptic drugs to prevent it from occurring or a special diet
