• Question: I want to make phone's but I don't have a software how can we be helped?

    Asked by 783bmay33 to Peter, Jonathan, Grace, Doris, David, Ann on 4 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Grace Kago

      Grace Kago answered on 4 Jun 2019:

      Yes, I can see how it can be hard to learn how to learn how to program phones without access to learning the software that operates them.
      I recommend working really hard to ensure that you get good grades in your classes now so that those grades can maybe help open doors for you later. Another idea might be to reach out to nearby universities to see if they know of nonprofit organizations that teach students basics of programming? My last idea is: can you ask your teachers to help you reach out to an organization like Digikids? here’s the link: https://digikids.co.ke/
