• Question: if you dont like your teeth arrangement can you do snything about it

    Asked by sharline1 to Peter, Jonathan, Grace, Doris, David, Ann on 5 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Grace Kago

      Grace Kago answered on 5 Jun 2019: last edited 5 Jun 2019 3:32 am


      Sure, that situation is pretty common where one’s teeth don’t grow properly in a line.

      One approach that is used by dentists is to add wire-based braces to gently reorganize the teeth so that they are back in order. If you are concerned about your teeth, see if you can speak with your parents/an adult to help you find a dentist whom you can speak to re: this concern.

      Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/braces/about/pac-20384607
