• Question: Is healthy a person to use chemical to remove pimples

    Asked by 587bmay27 to Peter, Jonathan, Grace, Doris on 3 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Grace Kago

      Grace Kago answered on 3 Jun 2019:

      I recommend reaching out to a doctor to help you decide which sort of chemical treatment to use! 🙂

    • Photo: Doris Nyamwaya

      Doris Nyamwaya answered on 4 Jun 2019:

      First Pimples mostly result from clogging of sweat pores on the skin due to accumulation of dirt. Depending on the situation, I could advise you cleanse your system by eating proper food and drinking a lot of water. If you must use a chemical, please consult a chemist first to evaluate the effects
