• Question: What causes barren in women and how to prevent it?

    Asked by 256bmay33 to Ann, David, Doris, Grace, Jonathan, Peter on 2 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Grace Kago

      Grace Kago answered on 2 Jun 2019:

      Issues with infertility are present for both men and women. As for specifically in women, there are lots and lots of medical reasons that result in a woman not being able to conceive a child. they range from issues like infections, fibroids, chronic medical illnesses etc. etc. the list goes on!
      I think in general, making sure to have check-ups with your general practitioner will help to make sure that you’re ok. When it’s time to build a family, open conversations with one’s doctor, partner, and family (like knowing family history, for example) can help in navigating such situations.
