• Question: What does your daily job life involve?? Do you sit alot or is it a more practical type of job?

    Asked by Joan G to Peter, Jonathan, Grace, Doris, David, Ann on 2 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Grace Kago

      Grace Kago answered on 2 Jun 2019:

      My current project involves doing experiments at the bench and then sitting down to analyze them. The project that I am working now requires quite a bit of analysis so I spend quite some time sitting at the desk analyzing experiments.

    • Photo: Peter Macharia

      Peter Macharia answered on 3 Jun 2019:

      I do a lot of data analysis eg spatial modelling and map making, statistical analysis on a work station. My time is almost entirely spent on my desk. I get to move around when engaging stakeholders locally and during conferences across the world.
