0 Question: Why do people grow hair in the ears? Keywords: ears, hair Asked by 783bmay33 to Peter, Jonathan, Grace, Doris, David, Ann on 4 Jun 2019.
David Kirongo answered on 4 Jun 2019:
Ear hair works together with your body’s natural ear wax to form a protective barrier. Just like nose hair, it helps to prevent germs, bacteria, and debris from getting inside your inner ear and causing potential damage.
Grace Kago answered on 6 Jun 2019:
I think that there are a couple of reasons: Hair grows in the ears to help regulate temperature, other times to provide protection to the ear.
855bm1924 commented on 4 Jun 2019:
i would have been more easier to talk about hair growing in the ears relating it to genetics
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Grace commented on 7 Jun 2019:
you mean like specifically which genes are involved in growing of hair? or what activates the genes for hair growth?
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855bm1924 commented on :
i would have been more easier to talk about hair growing in the ears relating it to genetics
Grace commented on :
you mean like specifically which genes are involved in growing of hair? or what activates the genes for hair growth?