• Question: What does it take to be a scientist?

    Asked by 547bm1924 to Peter, Jonathan, Grace, Doris, David, Ann on 5 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Grace Kago

      Grace Kago answered on 5 Jun 2019:

      1. Training (a bachelors degree and then either a MS or PhD
      2. Curiosity
      3. Resilience and Persistence (because sometimes an experiment will fail, but you can’t let this make you so sad that you quit it. You have to trust in the process of scientific inquiry)
      4. Proper research environment with good mentors/supervisors that care about your success, and who are able to help fund and staff the lab so that progress is made

    • Photo: Peter Macharia

      Peter Macharia answered on 6 Jun 2019:


      You need to have a passion for science and learn to critique things, get good training and have funds for your work. Collaboration with other researchers and institutes is key
