0 Question: Iam a new student in this website and I would like to know how to go about my career in medicine Keywords: career Asked by 339bm1926 to Peter, Jonathan, Grace, Doris, David, Ann on 30 May 2019.
Grace Kago answered on 30 May 2019:
I will allow the rest of my colleagues who are in the medical profession to answer this specific question!
Peter Macharia answered on 6 Jun 2019:
I am also not in medicine but at the moment you need to be doing well sciences and further get a better grade as the course is very competitive and only a few chances in the public universities under the kuccps system
how did you all get opportunities to study abroad??
what insipired you to work in Kenya when you can be very marketable in other countries in the world with better income?
What does it take to be a scientist?
what efforts do scientists put to become one?
What does it take to be a scientist
What is are some of the problems you have noted that face scientist in Kenya and if given a chance how would you
when i want to be a doctor what can i focus most ?
Does your career involve psychology? and by how much?
What would you say has greatly contributed to where you are right now apart from reading ?
i would like to be a paedetrician which sciences am I supposed 2 take? What advantages and disadvantages are associated
What can cause one to undergo menstrual flow twice a month
challenges encountered in the public universities
what makes people cry or what forms tears
Are there side effect of taking pills during period pains
why are you not answering some of my questions
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